Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Woo Hoo!!!!! Success Story

Some good news and a big thank you!

January 2009 I fell and suffered a compression fracture of my T4 vertebrate.  Because of this fracture I was scheduled to have a bone density test.  As a result of the test it was discovered that I had osteoporosis in my hips and osteopenia in my spine.    I was put on Fosamax by my doctor along with generic calcium supplements.  Since this time I have started training 2x a week and taking AdvoCare MNS3 and their calcium supplements.  When I went for my two-year followup my bone density has increased.  I now only have osteopenia in my hips and my spine is osteoporosis free! 

Another success story for me because of AdvoCare is: 
Last year (4/21/10) my cholesterol numbers were: 
Total:  167
LDL (bad): 100
HDL (good): 56
Triglyceride level:  59

This year (4/13/11) they are much better...
Total:  159
LDL (bad): 79
HDL (good): 64
Triglyceride level:  72

I believe this entire change is due to the AdvoCare OmegaPlex!  I wasn't taking any type of fish oil before this. 

Because of AdvoCare my diet has changed for the better and my supplements are the best that are out there.

If you want to know anything about the products or my results email me at lmaltomari (at) frontier (dot) com